A friend dreams, a team lunch, not the oldest profession, and Joe gets a job…

Evidently, even women dream about me… John Martin, you were in my dreams last night… Hey! Hope you are doing well.  It’s been too long since I’ve seen your smiling face. Speaking of you smiling, I had a dream last night in which Milton and Bianca hosted a senior citizen square dancing festival.  Will and I … Read more

A candidate lunch, an honest post office clerk, cross-referencing, and some cheap drinks…

I rode the bus down to the Bell Tower area on Hillsborough Street, and while riding overheard a cell conversation of this 18- or 19-ish year old. “Yes sir, I got it taken care of. It was only like $12.00.” I thought it sounded like maybe he was talking to his father, but wasn’t sure. … Read more

Project document, listening to Joe practice, some scanning, and a show…

This is my favorite PostSecret from this week’s collection: What I wonder about it is, “Does the disappointment stem from what it couldn’t produce or from what it did?” And from overheardinnewyork.com, this gem: The Penthouse Belongs to His Brother Who Bought into the Lie Little nephew: The kids who celebrate Kwanzaa at my school … Read more

Helios with Kevin, some low-riders, portobello ravioli, and an illusion of fun…

I met Kevin (av8rdude) at Helios, 1-ish, where he worked on his final exam for a class, and I completed my edit of Christie’s context-sensitive help. You got peanut butter on my chocolate. No, you got chocolate on my peanut butter. Sometimes the juxtaposition of two things leads to a creative result. That’s sort of … Read more

The evolution solution, editing context-sensitive help, mitigating nervousness, & heart-warmers…

I was surprised to see where North Carolina stood on this map. Where (and How) Evolution is Taught in the U.S. Click on the map to read more about it if you’re interested. I worked from home today, editing Christie’s Manage Services User Interface context-sensitive help. I canceled my 1-on-1 meeting with my manager. Class … Read more