Starting on Jeane’s eulogy, exercising, some free pool, and a late night snack…

I tried to sleep in this morning, but didn’t make it past 8:00, which is actually pretty early for me when I’m not working. After breakfast, I devised yesterday’s blog entry and posted it. I’m going to use parts of a two-hour-or-so discussion I had with Jeanie, back in January, in devising her eulogy. To … Read more

Passport renewal, exercising, a power outage, social networking @ Helios, a Strongbow, & karaoke…

For the record, I was not stimulated on Friday as promised by these people, according to their schedule toward the end of the page in that link. I’m just saying… We were up at 9:00 this morning, and in honor of Robert’s recent colonoscopy, I bought some All Brand Yogurt Bites, which we had for … Read more

Exercising, volunteering, and dancing…

I met Kevin (av8rdude) at the gym at 9:45, and I only did lower body resistance work today. I’ll get my cardio in tonight at dancing. This is the second—and I hope, last—day of morning workouts, which really is tough for me. I am so not a morning person. Today’s workout statistics: Exercise Type Minute Duration … Read more

Worked out, a short stint @ Helios, some affirmations, dinner and a play out…

I met Kevin (av8rdude) at the gym at 1:00, where it was an all-cardio day for me. I forgot to start with some crunches, so they were out of the question—as all three sections of the ab bench would be absolutely drenched with sweat if I did them after my hour of cardio. Not to … Read more

Time lapsed affirmations, sleeping in, exercising, dinner@The Borough, 120 Minutes with Kevin…

This takes a while to load (open it in another window and let it load in the background), but once it does, it’s very cool time-lapsed photography, which includes fireworks! Today’s entry is going to have a few “Oh, I forgot to mention or capture” type tidbits. I forgot to mention that at the bar last … Read more

Happy coming out day, exercising (body and stock options), editing, a haircut, and laundry…

Today is my 14-year anniversary of living my life as whom I really am. As I’ve said to myself so many times since then, “Thank &deity I didn’t live my entire life here as somebody I wasn’t.” Kevin (av8rdude) and I worked out this morning. It was an all-cardio day for me, and I listened … Read more

Into the gym, and a Web 2.0 kind of day…

I was up at 8:30 this morning and had a sweet, good-morning instant message conversation with Robert. During a breakfast of a yolk-less hard-boiled egg, one turkey sausage patty, some deliciously ripe cantaloupe, and coffee, I read the news online, including my daily perusal of the obituaries. “You might be an emotional sap if…”  you, too, … Read more