Working from home, the circle of life, Valentine’s and a record-breaking workout…

I worked from home today. Uneventful. At about 10:00, I turned on my phone, and had two messages. One from Joe, and one from my cousin in Atlanta, asking me if I had the names of any of my uncle’s (her father’s) other kids or family—that she’d received a message from one of them that … Read more

Tearful goodbyes, a country Irreplaceable, and no dancing…

I had the complimentary breakfast at the hotel. Today was the South Carolina Presidential Primary. They had CNN (I think it was) on the TV above the tables in the dining area, and I was interested in their interviewing African American women about their presidential candidate preferences at this point in the race. Interestingly, their … Read more

The “little people” making strides, visiting Irene, Maria, and Susan @ The Hope Lodge, & dancing…

This article made me think of the Raleigh Kodiaks.  Thanks, guys, for being “out” there making strides for our community! Gay athletes are making their mark By LZ Granderson Page 2 ASPEN, Colo. — Last weekend, I sat on a panel to discuss one of the sports world’s favorite questions: When will a big-name athlete … Read more

Working, editing, trading, gym planning, cantalouping, clowing, nightmaring, and barring…

I worked from home today, and I participated in three conference calls: A meeting with my manager to receive my 2007 Personal Business Commitments rating, which was exactly what I expected it would be, which is exactly how it should be. [World without end, amen.] The last half (as the aforementioned meeting with my manager … Read more

Working from home and Helios, decision considerations, IPCC notification, and gum drops…

I worked from home today, and I spent time: Going through my e-mail, which was quite the “pile” since I was out last week Responding to various questions and requests in said e-mail Devising my weekly highlight report for the week ending 01/11 Editing two white papers for one of my writers At about 3:00, … Read more

Being published, affirmations, water usage, and Key West Vacation —Day 1…

I’ve had two articles published in the January edition of Technically Speaking… One of the articles is entitled: “The Goal of it All: Graduation” (on page 1) and the other is, “Redefinition: Who is the Technical Communicator?” (on page 3). Today’s affirmations come from Andrew Armstrong’s article in said publication… That article is at the … Read more

A filling, a short office jaunt, a recipe delayed, a belligerent bill collector, and dancing…

I arrived at 8:45 for my 8:40 dentist appointment, and my hygienist for the day was at the door waiting for me. It was Jeanie, not my regular hygienist, Leigh Ann. Dr. Susan did my filling today, and I just can’t rave enough about her. I left there wanting to write her a thank-you note, … Read more

Lots of errands, working on my home page, dinner, pool, some laughs and some Word Dojo…

I had my tires rotated at Just Tires, and it was done before I even realized that they’d taken my car into the bay. I was deeply engrossed in the redesign of my home page, which I’m doing in Dreamweaver. After that, I stopped by Target, where I bought: household cleaning products (Tilex and OxyClean), … Read more

Christmas 2007…

This is what Christmas is all about: Here’s some updates from my friend Dave, who as noted in this entry, adopts a family each year and asks his friends if they want to contribute to making their Christmas special. Presents for them; an affirmation for me. Dear John, First off, I was blown away by … Read more