DITA day two, a one-year anniversary, a John Martin love-fest, good financial news, and a nap…

~Tuesday~ Another short bus ride this morning for day two of the DITA conference at the McKimmon Center. Though, I never saw her, I listened to a little kid “saying the darnedest things” in the back of the bus during the short time I was on it. Today’s entry will be on the affirmation-heavy side, … Read more

DITA, signs of dementia, a confluence of cohorts, sports metaphors, and a workout…

~Monday~  I caught the “short bus” today, meaning I only traveled four stops instead of the fifteen or so I normally do to get to work. And that’s because I attended the first day of a DITA Conference, which was held at the McKimmon Center, which is very close to my house, which is one more “which”—make that two … Read more

A worm or a snake, who moved my cheese, a workout, some laundry, and The Wire…

~Friday~  Walking down the drive out of my townhouse, I saw a crawler on the ground. Because of its short length, I thought it was one thing, but when I got closer and saw how it was more flat than round, I thought it was another thing. My first thought was, “Is that a worm or … Read more

A trashy morning, paid by the passenger, Prudie rips another new one, and personified quarters…

~Thursday~  My short walk to the bus stop this morning was a little on the trashy side. Actually, it was trash day, and I did a quick check of the trash cans and recycle bins as I passed the ones set out for trash pickup in my townhouse area. It would appear that the neighbors … Read more

Late buscapades, cheaper insurance, more expensive gold, and an important affirmation…

~Tuesday~  Today’s buscapades were “bookended” by poor planning, which is to say that both buses (inbound in the morning and outbound in the afternoon) waited for me as I ran to them. I was grateful to make it on both accounts. He’s got no ticket to ride, He’s got no ticket to ride, He’s got … Read more

Thong lady watermelon, a t-shirt convo, FAQs, a finished book, and bar-hopping…

~Friday~  I read on the bus this morning. I did notice that Thong Lady got on at her usual stop, the stop after mine. Her maroon-red hair was tied up with a kerchief that had the color of watermelon slices in it—that is to say, red, white, and green. I wore my Grammar Police t-shirt today, … Read more

A buscapade, barking up the wrong tree, a good work day, and affirmations at dancing…

~Wednesday~ This morning I rode in to work on the Wolfline (NCSU’s bus line) instead of the city bus. An international student from India standing in the aisle in front of my seat had on a t-shirt with this imprinted on it, which made me chuckle: In the category of: [hover over image for help] I … Read more

Losers at the credit bureau, meetings with food, and off the grid early…

~Tuesday~ Thong Lady was on the bus—sans thong, or I suppose it would be more accurate to say—thong not visible. She was reading an Agatha Christie mystery, which made me feel connected to her in some small way, considering my recent delve into three Mary Higgins Clark mystery novels. Right-Hand Rule Lady was present along … Read more

Madonna and genetically-beautiful child, work, and Salon IV…

~Monday~ This morning brought who I’ve referred to before in the past as Madonna and Child aboard the bus. She’s the mother with the Genetics notebook and the adorable little bi-racial daughter with the absolute most adorable face and precocious hair. I think I’m going to refer to them as Mother and Genetically-Beautiful Daughter from … Read more