A snore of a meeting, a birthday affirmation, more homework, more class, more homework…

I worked from home this morning—the highlight being my 1.5-hour conference call on Intellectual Property Naming & Legal Education. Not! 51 Powerpoint slides in 1.5 hours. Let’s see, that’s an average speed of 34 slides per hour, or a half-a-slide per minute. But I digress… I logged in to Yahoo Instant Messenger, which I rarely … Read more

Gone phishing, potential presentation and publication, homework, and early to bed…

Congratulations!!! You’re a PowerSeller on e-Bay. Get your PowerSeller benefits now! I love when I get such obvious phishing e-mails like these. I have never sold one thing on e-Bay. As a matter of fact, I’ve never even bought anything on e-Bay, and have probably been to the site maybe twice ever. Powerseller, indeed. From a … Read more

An editing frenzy, hukt on fonikz, U.S. mail, fun in class, a Helios stop, and homework at home…

I worked from home today, and edited my little heart out. I got so involved in it that at one point I checked the time and it was 10:30. “30 more minutes and I need to connect into that conference call,” I thought. When I next looked up, it was 11:30. As it turned out, … Read more

Sleeping in, lunch with Myra, state trooper infractions, class, and dancing…

I slept in this morning. Glorious. I met Myra at Helios for lunch. She brought me a card, a monster Slim Jim, and a gift certificate to Quail Ridge Books & Music. I have such wonderful people in my life. Card synopsis and affirmation: Front: Policeman writing out a ticket. Inside: “Impersonating a young person… … Read more

That’s punny, reality bites, some affirmations, and an all-nighter…

Those of you who know me know I love puns, particularly complex puns. Here’s a goody: A frog hops inside a Chinese bank and reads the name of the teller, Patricia Wak. Strange name, thinks the frog. Strange customer, thinks the teller. ‘Can I help you?’ she asks. ‘Yes, Miss Wak,’ he says. ‘I’d like … Read more

onesentence.org publication, and Rhetoric of Science & Technology paper done…

Praise the &deity!  I have finally had an entry published on onesentence.org. I edited my heart out today to finish an IBM commitment before starting vacation tomorrow. I had about an hour to kill before leaving for class, so I wrote my “President’s Pen” article for the October edition of the STC newsletter, which was a … Read more

My “S-ness” and Cohen’s kappa schmappa…

I had an über-productive day today, but had to prioritize school work over work work. I will have to make up for that some how this weekend, but it’s going to be a challenge with our first paper for Rhetoric of Science and Technology class due on Monday, and three grueling reading assignments, for which … Read more

Expanded horizons, editing, facilitating class, and some pool and drinking in the Twilight Zone…

I went into the office today, where my day started with an instant message affirmation from my straight friend, Courtney: Courtney: spent my saturday afternoon at the durham gay pride festival Courtney: thought about you the whole time i was there, and how thankful i was to know you, because knowing you has allowed me … Read more