A playah, John Martin r u there, nude sunning, a haircut, and a cry…

~Monday~  The lady sitting in the seat on the opposite side of the bus, and one row up from me had on a multi-colored dress—deep, dark colors of swirled images. She had on dangling earrings that resembled a tiny cluster of grapes, but with each “grape” exactly matching one of the colored swirls in her dress. … Read more

Knocked-off socks, classy with a k, Prudie on Twitter, a fun wedding, & TPPN…

~Thursday~  Another one of the “Let’s Get Loud” riders was on today. I don’t think I’ve officially given this woman a name, but she talks loud and constantly. I’d never noticed her getting off at my stop before, but that’s what she did today. She walked in front of me and the back of her black … Read more

Wicked meetings, ice cream w/Sharon, mealworms and toenails, and dancing…

~Wednesday~ It’s not my favorite thing to start my work day off with an hour-long meeting right when I get there. (I’m well aware that I could have gotten there earlier.) A couple of things made it an extra drag today; that is, other than the fact that it was first thing in the morning: … Read more

Faux worms, synchronized seed eating, a bus fetish, a blarty, and some pool…

~Tuesday~ Today’s buscapade seating chart: Today I sat toward the back of the bus as you can see. As I made my way to my seat, I noticed Other Man leaning forward with his forehead resting on the seatback in front of him, so that I only saw the top of his head—his hair, not … Read more

Vitriol on the bus, parochial school dress, Google craters, and calendaring…

~Monday~ Today’s buscapade involved—what appeared to me as—unprovoked vitriol. It was cold when I got on the bus, which to me is never a problem. I always prefer it to be too cold over being too hot. After several stops, the bus driver finally turned off the AC, not by any suggestion of anyone that … Read more

My namesakes update, no one cares about a few things, Kindling for reading, and a night in…

~Friday~ Something I meant to capture last night at Flex: At one point in the evening a girl standing next to me, introducing the guy she was with to another guy nearby, said, “This is my boyfriend. He’s gay, but he loves me.” Alrighty then. About five minutes before the bus came, a pickup truck … Read more

Two-episodes-in-one buscapade, three work meetings, one STC meeting, and non-booger drag…

~Thursday~ Today’s buscapades were a serendipitous soap opera. When I got on the bus, there was a lady sitting across from me with a Waffle House uniform on. I thought, “Damn, she’s got a long way to go,” because the stop for the Waffle house is the last stop on the outbound route, which means … Read more

No walking stick needed, funny MLIAs, a quote, dancing, and spotting…

~Wednesday~  I read on the bus on the way in. Uneventful. For the bus home, I was joined at the bus stop in front of the SECU by the “Genetics-Studying Lady” and her adorable little daughter. I haven’t seen them for a while, but these are the two about whom I’ve said before that I’ve … Read more

Badu’s back, a busy work day, scheduling for The Turn of the Screw, and tunnel light…

~Tuesday~ The Erykah Badu lady with the heavy eyelashes was on the bus again this morning. She had on her black, pin-striped pants again, but the rest of the outfit was different. She had on white eye shadow, which accentuated her eyes and heavy lashes even more if you can imagine, especially since she’s African-American. We … Read more

A slug of a man, stumbling upon luxury, and cabin fever abated…

~Saturday~ I was up at about 8:30 today and had, perhaps, the laziest day I’ve had in years. I was feeling a little under the weather, and spent about three-quarters of the day sleeping. Just an absolute slug. I checked my “StumbleUpon Recommended Linguistics Sites” e-mail, and a pointer to this resort in Africa reminded … Read more