Minneapolis Trip—Day 4

By this morning, all of my GLBT OUTing info stubs were gone except one. Gluing Their Eyes to Your Screen  (IDI 6J) Tuesday  10:30-12:00 NOON  (Room: 101GH) Format: Presentation Skill Level: All It has been ten years since the publication of “Dynamics in Document Design: Creating Texts for Readers”-a landmark book in our field. How has information design changed over … Read more

The “forever” stamp, a new library process, a dead show tunes night, & an expensive cover at CCs…

I uploaded my final edition of the newsletter to the STC website, and sent a notice to the stc and etc listserv, as well as copying the editor of the STC-Carolina Community’s Newsletter that it is now available. Almost, immediately, I received two affirmations of good work on it. Yay! I ran some errands today, … Read more

Chillin’, defense affirmations, lovin’ language and my man, pool and show tunes…

In his blog, Bible Versus, Hugh, who is a gay man living with AIDS, is reading and commenting on the Bible, and being overseen by the Real Live Preacher. I really like this quote from Hugh in his blog: “However, AIDS isn’t necessarily now seen as terminal. Not as terminal as, say, Life.” So sweet! … Read more

A friend dreams, a team lunch, not the oldest profession, and Joe gets a job…

Evidently, even women dream about me… John Martin, you were in my dreams last night… Hey! Hope you are doing well.  It’s been too long since I’ve seen your smiling face. Speaking of you smiling, I had a dream last night in which Milton and Bianca hosted a senior citizen square dancing festival.  Will and I … Read more

Hugs at work; poultry, beef, & pork, oh my; a chair massage, a late dinner, & a short night out…

I’m much better today, and actually drove into the office to work. I got in early enough that traffic wasn’t an issue. Since I’ve become an editor, been working only two days a week for nine months now, and going into the office maybe once every other week or so, I really don’t have any … Read more

Love candy, was lost but now is found, in-context quoting, a course dropping, and course progress…

Three things I meant to blog about yesterday, but forgot to: For Valentine’s Day, Robert made me some of his signature caramels. Love them. Love him. About three weeks ago, I lost the sync cord to my Palm Pilot. Here are the things I’ve done in the meantime to find it: Looked in my “currently-used” … Read more