Buscapades, foods, work, and dancing…

This morning’s buscapades: I practiced “just-in-time” bus stop arrival this morning. Literally, I walked up to the bus stop and onto the bus. Not a second to spare. Once on, it was hot, hot, hot, hot, hot in there, and not in a good way. I used that “hot, hot, hot” line about my office … Read more

A morning earworm, love@50% off, good reviews, Abe travels, and a night out with the tweeters…

This morning, much to my horror, I found myself singing out loud while waiting for the bus at the bus stop, “The wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round, ’round and ’round, ’round and ’round…” [Go ahead, click on it.] My boss reviewed my draft of the minutes of that university meeting that I worked … Read more

Buscapades, meeting Myra for breakfast, China presentation@work, and Third Friday @ Golden Belt…

I caught the city bus early this morning—at 7:25 instead of the regular 7:55 or 8:25 that I usually catch. I took a seat toward the back of the bus, where across from me sat a man and a woman. The man had long, dirty-blond hair, which covered the sides of his face, which was … Read more

A passive-aggressive bus passenger, eureka, Facebook friends, and predictably irrational…

A definite passive-aggressive bus passenger play this morning. Things like this always fascinate me about people—what they could possibly be thinking and what in their lives has led to such a behavior pattern. So, at one of the stops at which both the Wolfline (NCSU’s bus line) and the CAT (the city’s bus line) stop, … Read more

Bus musings, three work affirmations, a create news blurb, and a fun night of dancing…

Work affirmation: All state employees go through a 6-month probation period when they’re hired—”just in case things don’t work out.” This e-mail exchange took place on 02/05/09 between the personnel rep (Marilou) and my manager (Jude): Jude, John’s probation will be up on 3/15/09—if you have no objection, he will go permanent on that date. Marilou … Read more

Ellen calls Gladys, a hot bus ride, a team meeting, a Twestival donation, & an aunt’s affirmation…

OMG. ROTFLMAO. This is hysterical. I just love Ellen. It was hot as Hades on the bus this morning—so hot, in fact, that I had to get up and ask the bus driver to please turn down the heat. I guess new bus riders just have to fumble around to discover things. Today, after riding … Read more

A cute koala, a famous twitterer, a waving signal, Abe, working affirmations, & free pool…

In the category of total cuteness, I got an e-mail from my friend Kevin (av8rdude) with this little note in it from his manager, who lives in Australia: A little Koala which just walked on to our neighbours back veranda looking for a bit of heat relief.  Filled a bucket for it and this is … Read more