A sick day, a comment by a wife about my sleeping with her husband, and Pro Se stories…

~Monday~  I took a sick day today, and slept until just after noon. I spent a lot of time in the bathroom today. ‘Nuff said. In the world of social media, two things of interest—one an affirmation: I have removed the “Interested in: Men” indicator in my Facebook profile, because when it’s checked, almost all … Read more

A 35-year blast from the past, a wallet “feature,” the Transportation Office, & an expiring farecard

~Friday~  At the bus stop this morning, my BlackBerry notified me that “Miss Wood” had confirmed our friendship on Facebook. Miss Wood (who is now very Mrs. Wood, complete with children and grandchildren) was one of my high school math teachers, and my friend Mike Manuel from high school “recommended” that I friend her a … Read more

An ice queen bus driver, showing some leg, Myra’s back in town, dancing tragedy, and juicy obits…

~Wednesday~  Another uncomfortably high-humidity morning boarding a bus with no air circulating whatsoever. During my short 10-15 minute ride, one person fanned himself with a magazine, one lady got up and took two CAT Bus Route pamphlets out of the rack and used those to fan herself, and the guy sitting across from me opened … Read more

Feeling sick@NSO, on-the-spot Twitter follows, a work affirmation, thirsty plants, & Vince’s obit…

~Wednesday~  I just made it to the Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus, such that I crossed the street and walked right on it. At the last minute yesterday, my colleague and peer manager to mine, Sarah, asked me to fill in as the back-up presenter for this morning’s student orientation. I got there a little … Read more

Half-hearted Riley, a public a transportation twilight zone, drinks@Sammy’s, and staying in…

~Friday~  I was late getting to the city bus stop, but did stand there long enough to witness Riley’s half-hearted response to his “mother’s” half-hearted toss of a stick for him to fetch. This little vignette sort of saddened me a bit, as I interpreted her half-halfheartedness as not really being into Riley, and attributed … Read more

“Riley” says hello, sorta; a 1.75-year buscapade first; Photoshop art, Alejandro, salad, dancing…

~Wednesday~  While waiting for the 8:15 city bus, that Golden Retriever came out to do his on-demand poo, and as soon as he looked up and saw me at the bus stop, he did a trot up toward me ignoring his owner, whom I’m quite sure was calling, “Riley! Riley!” I thought he liked me … Read more

A messed up file system, a Lunch & Learn, and the university-level Awards for Excellence…

~Tuesday~ I got a little behind this morning in spite of getting up early, and by the time I’d made coffee and packed my lunch, I’d missed the 8:15 bus. I drove over to the Wolfline stop at Gorman St. and Kings Court, and got on the #9 Greek Village bus at a little after 8:30. … Read more