A bus sunroof, an Afro on the bus, pizza night at the gym, and an affirmation-generating meme…

~Monday~  I caught the 8:15 city bus, which had a different driver than the usual one. He talked about sports with two guys sitting up front my entire trip. The discussion started off with basketball, during which one of the guys said, “I don’t care what nobody says, Sidney Lowe is the best point guard … Read more

Muffin deterioration redux, Temporary Alice & Word Search Lady appear, and catching up my blog…

~Tuesday~  With yesterday being a holiday, it’s a short work week, and I started it off in the rain at the bus stop noting the end stages of muffin deterioration. You can see that the wrapper is almost completely flattened now. Remember how it looked a week ago Monday? I waited for the bus for … Read more

A day old fire, a presumable buscapade, a birthday drink & dinner, and a train wReck…

~Tuesday~  I totally forgot to capture this yesterday: As soon as I set my stuff down upon arrival at the office, the fire alarm went off. My officemate muttered under her breath, “I haven’t got time for this today…” A few seconds later, our colleague Noah stuck his head in the suite area of our … Read more

A groundhog day, racism considerations, the rhetoric of lies, Dr. Dare, and a kiva.org loan award…

~Tuesday~  Xolani and I were up and on the 7:45 bus again this morning. Sometimes it feels like Groundhog Day standing at the bus stop, when day after day the bus is on the later side rather than the earlier side, and when the long, yellow school bus passes by at the same time. A … Read more

Watery water, an unworthy bill, wildly waking man, and some pictures…

~Tuesday~  Library Man was aboard this morning. He actually wasn’t in his element like he normally is, which is to say he wasn’t reading a newspaper or a trade magazine. Boring. A lady with a head scarf sat to the right of me, and she held her cell phone up in her left hand the … Read more

Googlizing the Free Expression Tunnel, an award-winning day, class, and Salon X…

~Monday~I was up at 5:15 and drove to work for 6 AM. I parked behind my building, where it’s free street parking up until 7AM, and then free, but only for two hours at a time between 7 AM and 5 PM. At NC State, there is a thing called The Free Expression Tunnel, where … Read more

A great lake walk, some messed up drivers, some shopping boys, and a night out all around…

~Saturday~  I was up at 9:00. Had breakfast. Xolani came down around ten. He had some coffee and some cream cheese and jelly on bread. We picked up Duma at 11:00 and the three of us had a most delightful walk around Lake Johnson. Topics discussed included small businesses (how they work here versus in … Read more

101 Dalmatians, a translucent bag, a polyester uniform, and dinner with the Gulf Coast ASB kids…

~Tuesday~  I had a two-bus ride to work this morning, as I had a 9:00-10:30 meeting in a building I don’t work in. The first leg was the #9 Greek Village Wolfline bus, upon which a girl boarding after me walked by sporting an old-fashioned, metal, 101 Dalmatians, lunch box. Following closely behind her was … Read more

An animal cracker vegetarian, straight FiveFinger shoes, tattoo scribble, and some affirmations…

~Monday~  I entered the #9 Greek Village Wolfline bus to quite an androgynous boy who made a loud sneeze into his open hand. He looked at it and stopped short of wiping it on his pants. The girl sitting next to him—they looked like a couple—wore this shirt: At first I thought it was an … Read more

Flashcards, darkside of the rainbow, an imminent cultural adventure, key issues, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  I rode the #9 Greek Village Wolfline bus in this morning, on which a young, female student studied, what looked like, vocabulary words, using flashcards. Word on the front, definition on the back. I noticed yellow highlighting in some of the definitions when the cards were flipped. I didn’t realize they still made 3×5 … Read more