Androgyny on the bus, pretty preacher preaches, sneaky gays, class, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  I rode the Wolfline bus in this morning, on which I counted 9 ads above the seats on one side of the bus. Three of them were “house ads”: one about Wolfline’s Holiday/Break Schedule, one about the “Wolfprowl” bus, and the other about NC State Transportation’s Go Pass program. There weren’t too many students … Read more

A late start, a belated anniversary, lost & thrown away, an affirmation, & TO-DOs…

~Monday~  I’m itching to get back to my “life’s routine,” but I didn’t start the day that way, waking up five minutes after I should have been at work. I’d set my alarm clock for 7:30PM instead of 7:30AM. After a quick e-mail to my boss, I rushed through my morning ritual and arrived at … Read more

Returning home from New Orleans, a serious affirmation, and winding down the weekend…

~Sunday~  We were up and at ’em bright and early this morning, checking out at 7:30, stopping for a quick gas fill-up, and checking in for our flights. On the New Orleans-to-Atlanta leg, there were monitors on the backs of each seat and many members of the group played electronic trivia against each other. We … Read more

Whatupdawg, my community service history, high expectorations, and a workout…

~Friday~  It was cold as a witch’s tit at the bus top this morning, and the bus was on the late, rather than early, side. As we went around a stopped Wolfline bus, I saw Logorrhea running to catch that one. I wondered if she talks as much on that bus as she does on … Read more

Hood day on the bus, Lacoste makes shoes?, a plethora of affirmations, and a fun night out…

~Friday~  Evidently I didn’t get the memo that it was hood and hat day on the bus. Four people sitting around me had hoods on, and by that I mean they had them pulled up over their heads on the bus, and two of them had on hats under those hoods. One of the hoods—sans … Read more

A morning haiku, being loved a hole punch, fatter lean meat, and finding a possible nude model…

~Saturday~  Although it had stopped snowing by morning, its remnants were all about. With my morning coffee in hand, I opened the blinds on the windows facing my back deck, to a scene that prompted me to write this haiku: No sound on my deck. Is that the white noise of snow? Beautiful morning. While … Read more

Final final arrangements, practicing homosexuality, drag her to Oak Street, the gym, and dancing…

~Saturday~  Today was quite the affirming day with regards to communications with my relatives, and by the end of it, I was able to articulate the final arrangements for my aunt’s funeral, which I’m posting here for posterity: There is going to be a mass on Wednesday, 02/10/10, starting at 10:00. Mom, Dad, and I … Read more

A long blog entry about a long day, spent mostly in service…

~Saturday~  I was up at 6:45 and looking in my bathroom mirror saw this one-inch gash on my nose with dried blood on it. I have no idea how that happened during the night. With some peroxide (and therefore bubbling), I was able to wipe away the blood and fold the slightly hanging skin back … Read more

New plumbing, an affirmation given, a workout, and Salon VII…

~Monday~  Gerald Sydnor, my plumber, arrived at about 9:20, and he spent a good three-and-a-half hours here replacing: my kitchen sink faucet, my garbage disposal, my master bathroom sink faucet, and my master bathroom shower head. I actually didn’t have the garbage disposal or the shower arm/head, so I ran to Lowe’s to buy them … Read more