Dated t-shirt sightings, an over-priced albeit delicious meal, and ringing in the new year…

~Friday, New Year’s Eve~  I slept in today. In the afternoon, I went to the gym, where I did some stretching exercises, 300 ab crunches, and 30 minutes on the elliptical machine. Some soap opera, I think it might have been General Hospital, had a very, very, very dramatic (one could almost say melodramatic) episode … Read more

Death comes to 8 in 2010, wardrobe rotation & degeneration, an algorithm malfunction, a night out…

~Tuesday~  It was nice to wake up to electricity this morning. I had my alarm set for 10:00, but I woke up at 8:30 and in a rare occurrence I was unable to fall back asleep. I got up and got started on things that needed to be done before my house guest arrived, the … Read more

The power finally succumbs, the ox and ram kept time, contraband and coffee, and reading The Help…

~Monday~  I woke up to a deafening quiet. The sound machine wasn’t running. The LED clock was completely out. What about that 9-volt battery in it for back-up? I had no idea what time it was until I turned on my phone to see 9:39, and I had no idea how long my power had … Read more

A nuisance and an inconvenience, an eggnog omelet, some help and The Help, and ashtray boy out…

~Sunday~  I woke up to lots and lots of snow. The obligatory neighborhood snow pictures: My Back Deck The Nematomobile (My Car) (That’s it in the middle of the pic with just the edge of the front bumper exposed.) Townhouses Across the Way from Mine I’m glad there are people who find joy in all … Read more

Wicked repartee en francais, a retail friend, shattered life pieces, handy Lesbians, & no Joe-Joe’s

~Tuesday~  I drove in to work this morning, as I’ll do tomorrow and Thursdays, since they’re my last three working days of the year and I have exactly three parking permits left that expire at the end of 2010. And after Thursday, we’re off for the rest of the year. Yay! I did something today … Read more

A Survivor primate, $omething’$ changed, back-door-front-door, and a bitter workout…

~Friday~  Finally a day in which I wasn’t running behind in the morning. I actually got out to the stop at 8:14 for the bus that doesn’t leave its originating stop about a mile away until 8:15. It might have had something to do with the fact that the university buses have stopped for winter … Read more

Coffee klatsche @ CupAJoe, romping around campus for egg nog, a workout, and a night in…

~Friday~  I drove into the office today, using one of those three remaining daily parking permits that are expiring on 12/31/10 to park in the Van Allen Deck. The suite in which my office resides was deserted when I got in, which is odd, because I’m usually one of the last people in. I took … Read more

A soda bottle soars, rooms to let 50¢, walking a circular line, and fresh Hoo-Mee noodles…

~Monday~  I left my house at 8:14, was at the bus stop at 8:15, and the bus arrived at 8:20. That’s the kind of timing I like when it’s in the 30s in the morning. There were only three other people already on when I boarded, and I was kind of surprised when the bus … Read more

Thankful for a lazy Friday, getting out the glitz, a hot workout, and reading The Help…

~Friday~  I had a lazy, lazy Friday, with only two things that I really wanted to get done today—one negotiable, the other not. The negotiable one, which I did get done, was to get out my huge plastic tub full of holiday stuff, and that was mostly to get me started sooner, rather than later, … Read more

Cash tasks, a wiz in the woods, a little scareyoke, a lotta drag, and Hey-suess loves you…

~Sunday~  I was up at 8:30 this morning and settled in for my Sunday morning routine of coffee, breakfast, this week’s PostSecrets, and my country gospel CD queued up on my iPod. Somehow, I inadvertently put on something else, which may have been a shuffle of songs of the gospel genre or something, but whatever … Read more