A cigarette saver, positive IDs, a learning lunch, a meeting outburst, and some reading…

~Thursday~  I was back to my regular schedule this morning, catching the 8:15 bus, and I still didn’t notice any of my named characters aboard. This is crazy! At the next stop, a lady got on whom I’ve talked about in the past, but whom I haven’t yet named. Until now. Cigarette Saver is usually … Read more

Buscapades, H1N1 vaccine redux, folding fitted sheets, and more LWM shopping…

~Tuesday~  The prodigal son (that would be me) returned to the city bus today and although it was my standard 8:15 ride, none of my characters were aboard or boarded en route to my work. An African-American man sat across the aisle from me on my row, and he wore brown sunglasses—for what reason I … Read more

A workout, a group meeting of the Thibodaux team, and starting Three Cups of Tea…

~Sunday~  I got up at a little after 11:00, made my Scrabble move, and then put on a pot of coffee. After a few back-and-forth moves with Robert in the online Scrabble game, I toasted a Portuguese muffin, cut it in half lengthwise, fried two over-easy eggs, set one on each half of the muffin, … Read more

Another lost umbrella, grey matter builders, hatchling-free hair, and dinner with the Millers…

~Tuesday~  I was running around at the last minute before walking to the bus stop looking for my small black Totes umbrella, which was nowhere to be found. I ended up having to take my big-ass red-and-white IBM umbrella, which I’m surprised isn’t blue-and-white, but which works well at NC State since its colors are red-and-white. Traveling … Read more

Leftovers, running a fever and a fruitless ATM errand, a few to-do items checked off…

~Sunday~  I forgot to mention a couple of things from last night: 1) There was a guy at Flex, who if he didn’t enter the “Low Budget” category of the costume contest, he should have. His body was heavily tattooed, and he was completely naked except that his junk was stuck into a hard plastic … Read more

The valley of the shadow of butt, benefits renewal, dressed up tellers, & a spaghetti fundraiser…

~Friday~  I got on the Wolfline bus at its second stop, again to find an early morning grocery shopper toward the front of the bus taking up two seats with her bags. I took the seat next to her, but on the other side of a partition. Unlike the shopper last Friday however, this one quickly realized … Read more

Nuts-to-butts, an outrageously wasteful stir stick, and a business trip to Greensboro…

~Thursday~  Another morning on the Wolfline bus instead of the city bus, and another N-2-B situation. I listened to my iPod on the ride in. At first I put on Macy Gray, but finding her a little too edgy for morning music (I am not a morning person), I switched over to the melodious Norah … Read more

Renewal, stealth blog readers from around the world, photo affirmations, dean meeting, and dancing..

~Wednesday~  Before leaving the house, I tried to renew my library book online, as I didn’t want to take it with me on the bus this morning if I didn’t have to take it over to the library during the day to return. I was shocked once again, but delighted once again, that I was … Read more

Buscapade lacking, I’ve only just begun, a study in B&W, and the wind ensemble…

~Tuesday~  Not one of my named characters was on the bus this morning. I even re-checked the bus route (not that I could be on any bus other than the #12 Method Inbound, since it’s the only one that stops by my house) and I checked the time to see if perhaps I had fallen … Read more

Exhausting dreams, toilet tissue tearing, a workout, and life-changing books…

~Sunday~  I had the most elaborate and exhausting dreams overnight—the kind I was so glad were just dreams once I woke up. I thought, “Thank goodness that wasn’t real and I can just forget all of it.” Now that I’ve written that, I’m wondering if you can even have “exhausting dreams.” I mean can exhausting … Read more