Madonna and genetically-beautiful child, work, and Salon IV…

~Monday~ This morning brought who I’ve referred to before in the past as Madonna and Child aboard the bus. She’s the mother with the Genetics notebook and the adorable little bi-racial daughter with the absolute most adorable face and precocious hair. I think I’m going to refer to them as Mother and Genetically-Beautiful Daughter from … Read more

Lunch in Greenville, an unloaded pistol, a difficult xword puzzle, and some karoke…

~Sunday~ Robert arrived at close to 9:00 this morning, and we left my house at around 9:20. We rode for an hour-and-a-half to Greenville, where we met my sister, her husband, and my parents for lunch at Red Lobster. My parents were late arriving, which is atypical enough that we started making phone calls when … Read more

I can’t believe it’s not, g**gle art, a workout, and a hanky code party…

~Saturday~  On my last grocery store visit, I bought “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” for the first time in a long time. I haven’t opened it yet, as I’m still on my last stick of Land O’ Lakes real butter. I remember whenever I first tried ICBINB thinking, “Wow, this isn’t bad.” But, obviously, … Read more

A buscapade, on Sen. Ted Kennedy, an affirmation, some thank yous, & Pimps & ‘HOs…

~Friday~ Diarrhea-of-the-Mouth lady was back this morning and once again living up to her name. Loud, liquid, flow. Folded Red-Tipped White Caner (FR-TWC) guy got on this morning, who I’ve talked about a few times now. In earlier buscapades, this is the guy who the bus driver waved the fare ticket at him that he’d left … Read more

A buscapade, an off-my-game presentation, an affirmation love-fest, a soirée and TPPN…

~Thursday~  I forgot to mention yesterday, that on the way home, on that 8:15 bus, the Waffle House Lady was on her way to work. I always see her in the morning on the way home from work. She looks happier in the morning going home. I’m just saying… Just now-christened Diarrhea-of-the-Mouth was on board … Read more

An insanely busy workday, an absolute blast of a dance night, and “Move that bust!”

~Wednesday~ I had an absolutely insanely busy work day today. I spent all morning setting up project websites for projects on our budget reduction strategy and strategic organizational projects list. All afternoon, nonstop, I worked on the minutes of our last University IT Committee meeting, which have to go out two weeks before the next … Read more

A buscapade character reunion, a precise post office message, an affirmation, and some karaoke…

~Monday~ This morning there was somewhat of a Buscapade Character Reunion on the bus. Swapping Dollar was aboard, and none-to-happy about Arguing Man being in his seat up front, where he (Swapping Dollar) usually sits talking to the bus driver. You remember Swapping Dollar—the character formerly known as Cochise. Jackie O’ Lantern, another of that … Read more

Bad math, a full bus, what the dog heard, first Follow Friday, a volunteer stint, and bar talk…

~Friday~  This morning, I stopped by Hardee’s and used a coupon for a sausage and egg biscuit for $.99. I also ordered a medium sized coffee to pour in my thermos. “That’ll be $3.86,” the cashier said. I did some quick math in my head—$1.26 for coffee and $.99 for the biscuit. “Uh, $3.86 can’t … Read more

Buscapades, Internet laughs, bowling, and falling asleep reading…

~Thursday~ This morning’s buscapade brought back the Waffle House Lady, but this time I knew she was not taking the long way to work, but had just gotten off her shift, and was actually on her way home. Her name badge had four pins on it, a big one on the left side, and three … Read more