A summary kind of day and a potpourri of things that engaged me today…

Today’s posting is going to be quite the potpourri, as opposed to my regular daily blow-by-blow. [Get your mind out of the gutter.] Here’s a summary of the day: Day off. Slept in. Blogged. Lower body routine and a little ab workout. Two-stepped and line-danced. I’m not a big horoscope fan, but I recently subscribed … Read more

My penultimate work day at IBM, Hive5s for posterity, a bunch of affirmations…

I was in and out of the gym by 8:30 this morning, where it was Free Bagel Tuesday, and I did only cardio. Exercise Type Minute Duration Cardio (Stationary Bicycle) 20 Cardio (Treadmill) 20 Today was my penultimate work day at IBM. I’m off tomorrow. Thursday is my last day. I completed Shruti’s edit today. … Read more

Antepenultimate IBM day, exercising, the NCSU library and a poll, and some rodeo pics….

Today was my antepenultimate work day at IBM. I worked from home, and I completed Eric’s edit. I canceled my “One-on-One Meeting” scheduled with my manager for 4:00. What would be the point really? I got to the gym at about 4:45, and I did an upper body workout, after which I enjoyed a slice … Read more

Lunch treat by Rhonda, working from New World, dinner@El Rodeo, and a night in…

Today was my preantepenultimate work day at IBM. I met my friend Rhonda, with whom I shared an office at IBM at one time, and with whom I shared more laughs than I can possibly recall. I hadn’t seen her in about a year, and when we decided—on IBM’s internal instant message system—to meet at … Read more

Lovin’ the bed, I’m in a thread, myfriessuck.com reprisal, upper body work, and dancing…

I slept in this morning, getting a full eight hours of glorious sleep. I devised a separate blog entry for today called Financially Independent vs. Independently Wealthy, which was inspired by the question of a friend in a recent e-mail he sent to me congratulating me on my achievement and my leaving IBM. It is currently a … Read more

Killer grilled chicked, a workout, killer grilled hot dogs, some drinks out…

Robert arrived at a little after 11:00, and he grilled the chicken breasts that I had marinated in McCormick Grill Mates Zesty Herb Marinade. I put on some Betty Crocker Scalloped Potatoes (which turned out to be out of this world), and we enjoyed some shrimp cocktail dipped in Heinz Cocktail Sauce, while the chicken … Read more

Consider yourself notified and “speed dating” for your technical communication career…

I had such a great, affirming day today. I had a meeting scheduled, whose subject was “Quick Task Prioritization Meeting,” with my manager for 4:15. At 2:45, she instant messaged me that her 2:00 meeting had ended early, and asked if I wanted to go ahead and have ours then. I gave her my two weeks … Read more

A chat with a trainer, and a foo-foo catered seminar…

I worked from home this morning. I was expecting a call from a personal trainer (as part of IBM’s free Lifeworks program) at 10:00, but she called at 11:00. Turns out she was on central time. We had a great chat about my current workout situation. She said that while the 300 crunches I’ve been doing—particularly … Read more