Breakfast@Pam’s, Kevin’s goodbye, meeting w/Nathan, security education, dinner, and pool…

I had breakfast with Kevin (av8rdude) and his friend Dave at Pam’s Farmhouse Restaurant. I had an omelet this time instead of their French Toast. I was not pleased when our server arrived holding our hot plates with a dish rag, the end of which was touching the end of my omelet on the plate. … Read more

An interview on 30THREADS, laundry, exercising, grocery shopping, and some free pool…

I spent most of the morning working on written answers of an interview I did with Wayne Sutton (@waynesutton) for the latest video featured on the new Web site, 30THREADS. The name of the video segment is “A look at two different bloggers named John,” for which Wayne basically clipped sound bites from a five- or … Read more

Gadgets, humor, exercising, interviewing, bowling, and dancing…

Gadgets. My alarm went off at 8:30. I meandered downstairs to the coffee pot, which had also triggered an event at 8:30. The coffee was still brewing. I wanted more aroma. I rubbed the click wheel of another, somewhat-temperamental-these-days, gadget, saying, “You gonna play for me this morning, baby?” Turned out it was a wheel of fortune … Read more

PETA pooey, breakfast@Pam’s, working@edgeoffice, 30 years ago, shopping, and some karaoke…

I am quite ambivalent about this blurb from the 07/25/08 issue of The Week in their column: It must be true… I read it in the tabloids Sharon Stone is in trouble with animal-rights groups, says the New York Post. In a new autobiography, actor Ernest Borgnine recalls that Stone once refused to appear in … Read more

5 best psychological crime novels, working from home, exercising, a new book, and some coffee…

I was up at 8:00, getting a good eight hours of sleep, while having some very desirable dreams. I’ll just leave it at that. Last night, before falling asleep, I read Kevin’s (av8rdude‘s) Wall Street Journal and was delighted to see, in their “Five Best” column in their “Books” section, “Five Best: Andrew Klavan on … Read more

Religious truths, exercising, and a three-hour five-course five-wine meal…

In today’s troubling times, people of all faiths need to be aware of these 4 important religious truths: Muslims do not recognize Jews as God’s chosen people. Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian world. Baptists do not recognize each other at … Read more

You-do-the-math cards, Uncle Frank update, Heliosing, exercising, blogger bashing, and dancing…

Good week for… Bad week for… Getting a ticket, after an Illinois man was stopped by police and fined $25 for failing to wear a seat belt. Half an hour later, Tim Ignasiak’s jeep was hit by a car that ran a red light; his seat belt saved him from serious injury. “I’m happily paying … Read more

Kevin comes a-staying, a food court musical, exercising, and a xword puzzle…

I worked from home today.  My friend Kevin (av8rdude) moved in today for a three-to-four week stay (happiness) before he moves to Seattle (sadness). I turned down his bed and left this on it: The card said: Dear Kevin, For the next few weeks, “Mi Casa, Su Casa.” If the 650 thread-count sheets and the mints don’t … Read more