Breakfast w/Vivian, & Jeff, working out w/Kevin, two affirmations, laundry, napping, and out…

Robert arrived at about 10:30, and we met Vivian and Jeff at Finch’s at about 11:20. It was jammed in there, plus they were short on staff. Not a good combination. We set our expectations up front, putting on our patience hats, although mine was a little tight from the git-go.  When the food did … Read more

Meeting with Nathan, caught on film (again) @ Helios, and a blah night of dancing…

I met with Nathan, my financial advisor, from 11:00–12:00, spending most of that time discussing options on how to proceed with financial advice to my aunt and uncle when I visit them next month. In addition to talking about the option of investing in the exchange traded fund, GLD, that I’m in, Nathan also showed … Read more

Free bagel exercising, worked from work and then Helios, a cheap dinner, and some karaoke…

Today was free bagel day at the gym, and I met Kevin (av8rdude) there at 7:00AM. We had a bagel (pumpernickel with honey walnut cream cheese, for me) and some coffee when we were done. Exercise Type Sets Reps Strength (Crunches) 12 15 Exercise Type Minute Duration Calories Burned Cardio (Treadmill) 30 207 Cardio (Elliptical … Read more

Brunch again, visiting Jeanie-baby’s grave, exercising, and juxtaposition and confluence…

Robert and I enjoyed Hibernian’s Sunday Brunch once again today. This is my third weekend in a row eating it, and after being sufficiently stuffed, I’ve sworn off this indulgence, at least for the rest of this month. Robert was gracious enough to accompany me on a short visit to Jeanie’s grave site out at … Read more

Working out, working it out with cuz, Rebecca’s 675 reunion party, and dancing…

Kevin (av8rdude) and I had a little miscommunication about the gym today. I thought we had agreed to meet there at 1:00. He thought we were going to check in, but shoot for 1:00. Enter social networking. He checked to see if I was on AIM, and not finding me, checked my status on brightkite, … Read more

Exercising, First Friday fun, and a surprising affirmation…

I worked out from about 2:30 until 4:00 today. Exercise Type Minute Duration Calories Burned Cardio (Elliptical Machine) 30 610 I had a “crunch milestone” today, increasing my count by 33%. I’ve never really stopped to do the (simple) multiplication, and I surprised myself by realizing that I did 225 crunches. I’m scared of me! … Read more

Finished Eat, Pray, Love, had a lazy day, dinner with Joe, and two-stepping & line-dancing…

David Rakoff, who is just absolutely hysterical in my book, said the greatest thing on NPR’s Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me the other day. With the recent California decision about gay marriage, he was talking about this inane notion that letting gay people get married will denigrate the institution of marriage, by saying: “It’s like … Read more

Meeting Madeleine, exercising, hanging out a Helios, late night food shopping…

I met Madeleine McBroom at The Mad Hatter’s Bakery off Main Street in Durham at 11:00, and we had the most delightful hour-and-twenty-minute chat. We caught up on life, and then I picked her brain about her experience being on American Public Media’s The Story last year. I met Kevin (av8rdude) at the gym at … Read more

Jeanie-baby’s funeral, working out, eating with friends, and Flexing with friends…

I arrived at First Baptist Church (FBC) in Garner at just before noon. Though the visitation ran from noon until 2:00, pretty much no one other than family showed up before 1:15. I checked out the number of flower arrangements on either side of Jeane’s open casket, but pretty much stayed away from it in … Read more

“Visiting” Jeanie, completing her eulogy, suit-fitting, dinner with Joe, and some drinks and pool…

I tried to sleep in today, but didn’t have much luck. At a little after 11:00, Phyl called to let me know that she, Jimmy, and Justin were at the funeral home, where they’d probably be for another hour or so, as they had to have a short meeting there with the pastor of First Baptist … Read more