Homework, a walk, a heart-warming affirmation, and more homework…

We were up bright and early this morning, and enjoyed a breakfast of bagels and coffee. After devising yesterday’s blog entry, I read a chapter of one of our books, one of the three readings assigned as homework in my Rhetoric of Science and Technology class. I started to devise a discussion board posting for … Read more

Editing, coding, snacking, class, and karaoke…

It was a tedious day in the neighborhood.  Tedious editing for work. Tedious coding for homework. I listened in on an hour education and information session called, “Using a Wiki to Track Content in Rational User Assistance.” After that, I participated in nearly an hour-long department meeting, during which my manager asked for feedback on … Read more

Meeting w/Jason, some library time, Molière (the movie), and bear411 night at Flex…

I met with Jason to discuss the segmenting and coding of his research data. I feel a lot more “on board” after the talk. We spent a little time afterwards talking about the class, and I asked him for some advice about talking to Susan about my “grade point average goals and objectives.” I found … Read more

A working comma, two affirmations, and class…

Thanks to my friend and reader, Kathy, in Texas for this. I just love the whole notion of it. The fact that he (Oscar Wilde) was gay, or paederastic as it were, has nothing to do with my liking it. But it doesn’t hurt… Oscar Wilde was a poseur and what he said was never necessarily … Read more

Why have sex, a (heavenly) house call, studying and dancing…

This study comes from Cindy Meston, PhD, and David Buss, PhD, of the psychology department at the University of Texas at Austin. First, they asked 203 men and 241 women aged 17-52 in Austin, Texas, to anonymously list every reason they had ever had sex. Those men and women were taking psychology classes or were … Read more

IBM vacation day, blogging catch-up, homework, and Teaching Fellow feedback…

I took a vacation day to actually relax—well sort of—one day of this long weekend. I took advantage of the opportunity to finish up my blog entries of the weekend in New England, and to do my reading for my Verbal Data Analysis this evening. Class was fine tonight, and I stayed in Tompkins, in … Read more

The ultimate writing assignment, a life lost, a clean house, some shopping, homework, and a show…

My day started off very emotionally today—with two phone calls. One of my dear, dear friends in life left me a voice mail message yesterday, saying that she had something very important to ask me—that it wasn’t urgent, but that it was important. She went on to say that she didn’t know if it was … Read more

Writing affirmations, pre-school activity, and the heavy door that still guards the closet…

Even though I wasn’t out very late last night, I gloriously slept in this morning, my alarm waking me up at 10:00. I received two “writing affirmations” via e-mail today. Writing affirmations are particularly powerful for me, not only because they affirm what I’m passionate about, but because they often totally surprise me. You just … Read more