Breakfast@Pam’s, Kevin’s goodbye, meeting w/Nathan, security education, dinner, and pool…

I had breakfast with Kevin (av8rdude) and his friend Dave at Pam’s Farmhouse Restaurant. I had an omelet this time instead of their French Toast. I was not pleased when our server arrived holding our hot plates with a dish rag, the end of which was touching the end of my omelet on the plate. … Read more

Meeting with Nathan, caught on film (again) @ Helios, and a blah night of dancing…

I met with Nathan, my financial advisor, from 11:00–12:00, spending most of that time discussing options on how to proceed with financial advice to my aunt and uncle when I visit them next month. In addition to talking about the option of investing in the exchange traded fund, GLD, that I’m in, Nathan also showed … Read more

An early start, mailed passport renewal, worked from Helios, exercised, stopped in @ IBM…

I woke up early this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep, even though I’d had no where near eight hours sleep. So, I just went with it and had an early start to my day. After working a little while from home, I showered, stopped by the post office, added my 2-cent stamp to … Read more

Our 6th anniversary, exercising, blogging, and a little free pool…

Robert arrived at 10:00 and we went to the Farmers Market restaurant for breakfast in honor of our 6th anniversary. We had their most delicious French Toast, which we both love. I had an over-easy egg on the side, and Robert had bacon on the side. I know that an egg with French Toast is … Read more

Happy coming out day, exercising (body and stock options), editing, a haircut, and laundry…

Today is my 14-year anniversary of living my life as whom I really am. As I’ve said to myself so many times since then, “Thank &deity I didn’t live my entire life here as somebody I wasn’t.” Kevin (av8rdude) and I worked out this morning. It was an all-cardio day for me, and I listened … Read more

The weirdest freaking dreams, 40 freaking $$$ to overnight, a 15-minute meeting, & exercising… @Weird@Weird@Weird@ dreams all night long and into this morning. Did someone slip me a mickey? I had to get up to stop the madness. All that glitters may not be gold: Gold’s ‘Grand’ Illusion. [I’m going to ignore the ‘single quotes’ around the word “Grand.” According to the style guides I’m familiar with and … Read more

Early to rise, editing, a neuroanatomist analyzes her own stroke, STC meeting, and exercising…

I was up bright and early this morning, and got right to editing. I also sent out a reminder that my request for the writers’ editing needs for 2Q08 were due by COB tomorrow, since I sent the request out last Friday and haven’t received one (from 20 writers) request back yet. I got some … Read more

A 45-RPM CD, exercising, extermination, twitter affirmations, sis call, HTML clippings…

Okay, so I’m easily amused. The other day I called my parents to confirm that they had received my ‘Tween gift, which you might remember was a CD—NPR Driveway Moments: Baseball. Aside: My dad is hard of hearing. Me: Hi, dad. Just calling to make sure you got my mail. Dad: Hmmm. Mail, hmmm. Oh … Read more

Words schwords, the planets align at Planet Fitness, and editing…

Words, words, words… I’m so intrigued by them sometimes. Okay, most times. A few gems from various and sundry sources recently: In the details of an invitation to an upcoming party… “Come as you are (what other option is there?).” At the end of an e-mail about a work-related celebration that involves an overnight stay … Read more