Crime close to home, a reluctant stock sale, a productive work day, and a coffee stalker…

Just a little disconcerting as this apartment complex is just around the corner from my house. It didn’t feel good doing it, but I did it anyway. My financial advisor told me about a month ago that when IBM stock gets back over $100 a share, I should sell the close to $35,000 worth of … Read more

A nice “bump,” a not chilly enough smoothie, and “an oak tree”…

Today was a rescheduled work day for me—from Tuesday, when I was flying back from Dallas. I took a late lunch to attend a S-L meeting, at which I was given a 200% increase on a stipend. Sweet! After work, I met Kevin (av8rdude) at Helios, where I tried one of their smoothies for the … Read more

Meeting prep, in my defense, a PIN, a potentially krafty move, and my last registration…

Feel no pain! German researchers have discovered that coughing during an injection can lessen the pain of the needle stick. According to Taras Usichenko, author of a study on the phenomenon, the trick causes a sudden, temporary rise in pressure in the chest and spinal canal, inhibiting the pain-conducting structures of the spinal cord. I … Read more

Fund adjustments, catching up with Gregor, a walk around the lake, and Show Tunes…

Clear your stuffed nose! Forget Sudafed. An easier, quicker, and cheaper way to relieve sinus pressure is by alternately thrusting your tongue against the roof of your mouth, then pressing between your eyebrows with one finger. This causes the vomer bone, which runs through the nasal passages to the mouth, to rock back and forth, … Read more

Life is good…

I caught the bus to campus, and met with Myra from about 9:30 until 11:00. It was a good meeting in which we outlined my priorities for the several tasks I’m charged with for the office. We also talked about long-range possibilities for what the new “Center” might bring in terms of opportunities and employment. … Read more