Tears of Glee, 2-for-1 birthday cards, mostly social at book club, and Victor/Victorias abound…

~Sunday~  I woke up to an incredible thunderstorm at 9:00 this morning. Unable to go back to sleep, even though I hadn’t had eight hours, I got up. I had big plans today, but they sputtered out as the day wore on and I didn’t move to see things through. In the early afternoon, somewhere … Read more

1 white, 1 black, 1…; code debugging; texting etiquette; & a reservation SNAFU…

~Monday~  There was a slight drizzle of rain at the bus stop this morning, and when I walked up a young African-American guy was there holding his book bag over his head. I watched him from under my umbrella-ella-ella (sorry—channeling Rihanna there for a second), and at one point he put the bag down, reached … Read more

A nightmare of a development, joe w/Hugh, some digital house-cleaning, & a book I’m still not into..

~Sunday~  During the night, I woke up at least three times within a span of about ten minutes, waking myself out of nightmares that continued once I feel back asleep. Very restless and disconcerting. Coincidentally and interestingly, one of the first things I saw online this morning was an article on MSN with the headline: … Read more

You, like, need a breakfast pass; library business; a twice-told (& then some) tale; & hot dancing..

~Wednesday~  It’s been a while since I’ve caught the 8:15 city bus, which used to be my “routine,” and this morning a couple was at the stop when I arrived. They were an African-American couple, whom from their conversation, which was impossible to not overhear (not that I would try to not overhear it even … Read more

Thin seats, a 2×3-inch Bible, a tabula rasa hand, ambiguous study sheets, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  I rode the #9 Greek Village Wolfline bus in again this morning. I think it’s time the seats on the university buses take a lesson from what had to be done at Disneyland to the boats that take riders through It’s a Small World. The seats on the buses are way too narrow to … Read more

An animal cracker vegetarian, straight FiveFinger shoes, tattoo scribble, and some affirmations…

~Monday~  I entered the #9 Greek Village Wolfline bus to quite an androgynous boy who made a loud sneeze into his open hand. He looked at it and stopped short of wiping it on his pants. The girl sitting next to him—they looked like a couple—wore this shirt: At first I thought it was an … Read more

Androgyny on the bus, pretty preacher preaches, sneaky gays, class, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  I rode the Wolfline bus in this morning, on which I counted 9 ads above the seats on one side of the bus. Three of them were “house ads”: one about Wolfline’s Holiday/Break Schedule, one about the “Wolfprowl” bus, and the other about NC State Transportation’s Go Pass program. There weren’t too many students … Read more

All Whites, below minimum wage, an award nomination, a new preacher, and a nice walk…

~Tuesday~  The city bus was on the verge of being “too late” this morning. It arrived at 8:30, ten minutes later than the expected 8:20. Library Man was aboard, reading a newspaper or a magazine that looked like a newspaper. At one stop, a college kid boarded with a carton that said, “All Whites,” on … Read more

A late start, a belated anniversary, lost & thrown away, an affirmation, & TO-DOs…

~Monday~  I’m itching to get back to my “life’s routine,” but I didn’t start the day that way, waking up five minutes after I should have been at work. I’d set my alarm clock for 7:30PM instead of 7:30AM. After a quick e-mail to my boss, I rushed through my morning ritual and arrived at … Read more

Free parking, a lunch errand, class, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  I used one of the ten or so free parking passes that users of public transportation are allowed each year by the university, as I had an errand to run during lunch. My work day started off with a 9:00-10:00 meeting, which although is not my favorite way to start the day, this one … Read more