A generic bus, Cosmo boy appearance, advanced Facebook, a workout, and reading…

~Tuesday~  Shortly after I arrived at the bus stop this morning, I heard what sounded and somewhat looked like a bus pull up to the intersection before my stop. I say “somewhat” looked like a bus, because from what I could see of it from that intersection, which was essentially only the front half of … Read more

Buscapades, book due date, ASB, criminals, and gastronomical obscenities…

~Monday~  Another predictable buscapade: Sci-Fi Fantasy Man read science fiction; Grumpy Boy didn’t smile, but clothing of note included long pants that I knew were hanging low even though he was sitting down, because they gathered in the area of his ankles; and the bus driver blew the horn while passing the Section 8 housing. … Read more

Back to work, latte Thursday, brand book lunch & learn, a food lecture, and a workout…

~Thursday~  I caught the Wolfline bus in today as I was running a little behind and it was raining. That bus stops closer to my building than the city bus. It’s nice to have options. Today was my first day back after vacation, and I spent most of the morning going through e-mails and some … Read more

Cell Phone Lady, Paris, & Sci-Fi Fantasy Man, meetings, tweets, dinner, and reading…

~Tuesday~  I was on the bus a half-hour earlier this morning, so on the 7:45 instead of the 8:15. There was only one other person on when I got on and that was Sci-Fi Fantasy Man. A couple of stops later, Cell Phone Lady got on, but without being on the phone, and without getting … Read more

Sliding on the bus, crying on the bus, lunch w/Susan, new tires, & the gym…

~Monday~  It’s the “City of Raleigh–Try Transit Week,” for which today’s bus driver did nothing toward making it an experience that might make one say, “Yeah, this is great! I could do this—and enjoy it!” He floored the gas pedal before I made it anywhere close to a seat, which made me slide a little on … Read more

Grumpy Boy & Paris buscapade, lunch@Irregardless, and time with my sister…

~Thursday~  Our very little girl with the little yellow purse on the vertically extended arm got on the bus again this morning. She had on yellow socks to match her purse—and I find it hard to believe that I’ve not noticed these before if they’re not new: she had on large, gold, serpentine hoop earrings. And … Read more

Skidding at the bus stop, anal-retentive tire documentation, good workday, & a visit from my plumber

~Tuesday~  I caught the 7:45 bus today instead of the 8:15, as I needed to leave work to be home by 5:00. It was drizzling, and I was surprised by the number of incidences of skidding tires that I witnessed at the intersection near which I wait for the bus. It reminded me that I must … Read more

The Wire, stalking a mail truck, a thank-you**3 note, the library, some work, and dancing…

~Saturday~  I was up at 8:00 after almost twelve hours sleep. Glorious. After an English muffin, a hard-boiled egg, and some coffee, I caught up Thursday’s and Friday’s blog entries. I watched The Wire: Season 1: Episode 9: Game Day. Intense. I meant to capture this note I got from the dean of CHASS after the … Read more

A trashy morning, paid by the passenger, Prudie rips another new one, and personified quarters…

~Thursday~  My short walk to the bus stop this morning was a little on the trashy side. Actually, it was trash day, and I did a quick check of the trash cans and recycle bins as I passed the ones set out for trash pickup in my townhouse area. It would appear that the neighbors … Read more

Thong lady watermelon, a t-shirt convo, FAQs, a finished book, and bar-hopping…

~Friday~  I read on the bus this morning. I did notice that Thong Lady got on at her usual stop, the stop after mine. Her maroon-red hair was tied up with a kerchief that had the color of watermelon slices in it—that is to say, red, white, and green. I wore my Grammar Police t-shirt today, … Read more